Covid Guildlines
Reopening 3.0
What we are doing to protect you.
We are delighted to announce our official reopening date as of Tuesday, Jan 26th, by appointment only. At Sue’s Hair Salon, you can expect to see our staff cleaning frequently touched surfaces more often, including door knobs, products, common areas, and restrooms, throughout the facility.
- Employees nor guests will not be permitted on the premises if they have symptoms of COVID-19
- Guests will be served by appointment only
- No persons will be allowed to sit in the waiting room
- Please call us from your car when you arrive
- Employees and guests will receive a temperature check and hand sanitizer upon arrival
- Employees and guests will wear protective face masks at all times, even during service
- Stations will be at least 6 feet apart
- All equipment and stations used by a service provider will be sanitized between guests
- Salon capacity will be reduced to 50% (no more than nine people at a time)
- Amenities such as magazines, beverages, and snacks are temporarily suspended
- Please enter at your own risks, knowing there may be a chance of contracting Covid-19
- Due to reduced capacity and additional health guidelines:
• We will be adding an additional $5 for all haircuts and $5 for colors
• We will no longer be able to offer shampoos for haircuts
We can all do our part to prevent the spread of illness in our community. You can help by staying home/rescheduling your appointment if you’re feeling sick. Please give us as much notice as possible prior to cancellation because without notice we miss the opportunity to fill that appointment time and guests on the waitlist miss the opportunity to receive services.